Eigenbrodt - Product design


Eigenbrodt - Product design

A new way of
showcasing success.

A gentle reminder for those who forget about the joys of life.

Eigenbrodt is a mechanical parts distributor based in Stockholm, Sweden. Their challenge was that of finding new and inspirational ways to improve their business, by setting themselves apart thanks to digitalization.

Eigenbrodt is a mechanical parts distributor based in Stockholm, Sweden. Their challenge was that of finding new and inspirational ways to grow their business and improve the selling process, based on outdated selling methods lacking technology.


01 - Role & responsibilities

As part of a multidisciplinary team at Hyper Island, I worked as UX designer and design lead in close contact with both the client and my project group. The task was to advise the client on ways they could improve their business through digitalization, as a way to lift their offering and smoothing processes. The project took 3 weeks to complete.

02 - Process


In order to get a better understanding of the complex world of B2B distribution, we deep-dived into research; this was done in a guided way, following questions we gathered through assumption boards. Here we collected what we knew, assumed and didn't know about the company, the industry, and their business. SWOT analysis and benchmark analysis was also performed in order to get an understanding of the market and point out possible positioning directions.

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We utilised some future mapping techniques in order to research and brainstorm about possible scenarios in the coming years, in terms of political, economical, social and technological circumstances.

This exercise made us and the client aware of the important aspects the business should be tackling in order to survive and thrive in the future: sustainability, automatization, and company culture were some of the talking points. We then based some initial ideation on these findings.


To gain a more complete understanding of issues and possibilities, we interviewed both our client employees and their customers. We wanted to find out where support was needed the most and how we could enable that. Open questions were used along with more detailed ones, to map out frustrations and low-hanging fruits. 



All insights were then analysed and further formulated into points of view. Here we discovered how not only was it important for the company to have a better way to support the sales team, but also how the overall company structure and employee synergy needed improvement in order to grow and expand. 

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Screenshot 2020-03-19 at 23.06.06

We have highlighted 3 potential focus areas based on reoccurring themes, which were then discussed and prioritised with the client:

Here, we highlighted 3 potential focus areas based on reoccurring themes, which were then discussed and prioritised with the client:

Support for sales
With over 6,000 products and specifications, it was clear that the sales team needed a fast and reliable way to check up on their stock, product details and usage examples.

Team synergy
Employees interviews showed a clear wish for more transparency and better integration among the different departments, with knowledge and culture sharing.

Brand awareness
On Eigenbrodt's client side, we discovered some other areas of improvement: there was a lack of awareness of the solutions available, but also of the expertise of the company.



With research and insights at hand, we worked together with the client and facilitated ideation workshops. Here we created low-fi prototypes and started shaping the concept that would become the final delivery. We then tested some ideas in order to validate our flows and functionalities,


03 - Result

The final delivery included a case study and a concept for a digital tool for the sales team. The Eigenbrodt app can provide not only information about the thousands of products the company distributes, but it can also inspire and showcase success stories of the company.

The tool aims at supporting sales not only as a digital catalog and inventory, but it also serves as a content hub for success stories and other inspirational material relevant to the client. Through research we knew that team synergy and knowledge sharing were vital for the team, so we merged different functions in order to create an app that can bring the employees closer together while increasing client engagement.

The proposed solution is a tablet-first application that can support the sales team thanks to the integration of: 

・Database of client profiles
・Digitised product catalogs
・Inspirational material such as success cases
・Voice recording
・Real time stock status



Ticketing support systemProduct design

PartsrådetUX design

SA appProduct design

ShapesUX design

ArchivePast design projects

A work in progress site built with love and occasional anxiety.

A work in progress site built with love and occasional anxiety.